Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Battling the Bug (and a gross blog)

This weekend left me ill. And, I was miserable! Blah! Well, the good side to it all is that it rained through the weekend so I didn't miss out on letterboxing and on the brighter side I lost 5 pounds! But, it wasn't fun.

This year's flu virus may be confused by some folks as food poisoning, as many I've talked to and what I've experienced is that a couple hours after eating you start vomitting. But, like any other type of flue it presents itself with vomit/diarrhea, stomach upset, headache, fever, muscle aches. It lasts 1-3 days. 
So how do I know that I had the flu? 

COLD VS. FLU symptoms:

*You have the flu
~headache, fever, muscle/body aches, chills, weakness/fatigue (coughing, sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, chest discomfort can accompany sometimes)

*You have the common cold
~coughing, sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, chest discomfort

I don't get the flu vaccine due to personal opinions about vaccination: 1. I believe that flu shots are why we have new variant strains of influenza virus every year, thus needing a new vaccine every year; 2. I believe in allowing my natural immunity to fight the virus. Of coures, I am a healthy individual with a healthy immune system.
As a registered nurse I do advocate the flu vaccination for others especially if they could greatly benefit from vaccination. Always consult your physician.
Flu shots are usually given between September and November. And given to children 6 months to 18 years and adults over 50. And anyone with health risks.

Remember the best way to avoid the WASH YOUR HANDS, get the vaccine, and boost your immunity with Vit. C., zinc, ecchinacea, and other natural immunity boosters! Don't pass your germs! WASH YOUR HANDS, sneeze into your sleeve-NOT YOUR HANDS. And, if you feel sick don't be around people stay home and quarantine! Ok, so you don't have to go that far...

Know the facts! 

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