Friday, July 4, 2014

My Three Month Affair with Douglas Adams!

I spent April, May and June with Douglas Adams and Arthur Dent! Why? Out of pure curiosity! I was engulfed in Douglas Adams wit and sarcasm about philosophy especially life, the universe and everything! And finally learned the answer to it’s meaning…

I read these books for many reasons:

Reason #1 The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is #4 on the Big Read list of best books to read.
It's a cool site check it out here

Reason #2: It’s a cult classic! Before the first of the 6-book trilogy (yes, trilogy J) it was a BBC comedy science fiction radio show in the 70’s! It was so popular that Douglas Adams published it in 1979!

Reason #3: The books are hilarious, witty, and nonsensical! 

Ick! No! Not that "movie"!
Reason #4: I watched the movie and to be honest I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand the movie at all! The movie was funny but I had to read the books to appreciate it. And, after reading the books the movie was just horrible!

Reason #5: For the pure pleasure of a good book(s)!

If you have a son or daughter I highly recommend the set as they are an easy read, funny, and enjoyed for decades by many people of all ages!