Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Almost 1 Year!

Where has the time gone?

I moved my family here last July to start another chapter of my life. I accepted a job as a Home Health and Hospice RN in Eastern Oregon. And, Boy! Did time fly!

I live 45 minutes to an hour away from the nearest town in every direction! And, I am the only letterboxer in over 50 miles. So, I felt very lonely for awhile. Having to get accustomed to my new life wasn’t easy. And, letterboxing took a back seat!

So, I spent most of the year dedicated to postals and LTC’s! I also had slacked off on exercise since there is no gym for 50 miles!

 Now, driving is like pouring milk to me! So, I'm feeling ansy again for LB hunts and driving to the gym almost daily. After thinking about it, and spending time in S.F. in December reminded me that the city is about the same when you factor in traffic and distance it also takes a while to drive. The upside in the country is no traffic and you lose that feeling of having to rush everywhere!

 I am enjoying this countrified living! Love the farmland and the ranches. It’s a quilted patchwork of browns, yellows and greens as far as the eye can see! Wildlife is abundant. I am used to seeing one or two deer roaming the neighborhood. Here, you will open your window to find a herd of them having breakfast on your lawn. Have to watch the garden! 

We purchased a 4 bedroom country home on 3.5 acres. Haven't decided how to utilize the land yet. But, goats, gardens, chickens, and cats and dogs come to mind! 

I will be posting pictures of the beautiful country side! Stay tuned for that. 

Here are pictures of how I stayed busy my first few months in EO: