Friday, July 4, 2014

My Three Month Affair with Douglas Adams!

I spent April, May and June with Douglas Adams and Arthur Dent! Why? Out of pure curiosity! I was engulfed in Douglas Adams wit and sarcasm about philosophy especially life, the universe and everything! And finally learned the answer to it’s meaning…

I read these books for many reasons:

Reason #1 The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy is #4 on the Big Read list of best books to read.
It's a cool site check it out here

Reason #2: It’s a cult classic! Before the first of the 6-book trilogy (yes, trilogy J) it was a BBC comedy science fiction radio show in the 70’s! It was so popular that Douglas Adams published it in 1979!

Reason #3: The books are hilarious, witty, and nonsensical! 

Ick! No! Not that "movie"!
Reason #4: I watched the movie and to be honest I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand the movie at all! The movie was funny but I had to read the books to appreciate it. And, after reading the books the movie was just horrible!

Reason #5: For the pure pleasure of a good book(s)!

If you have a son or daughter I highly recommend the set as they are an easy read, funny, and enjoyed for decades by many people of all ages!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

R.I.P.~World's Greatest Pug!

A lot has happened since I last blogged. Working too much to enjoy my hobbies and haven't been LBing much! Especially since JoJo died last June. He was my boxing buddy and is greatly missed!

JoJo's marker Born October 2008 Died June 30, 2013
JoJo Letterboxing Buddy- Not a picture-taker!
He was a great dog!
I haven't done much letterboxing since my move to Heppner. But, all that will change!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Almost 1 Year!

Where has the time gone?

I moved my family here last July to start another chapter of my life. I accepted a job as a Home Health and Hospice RN in Eastern Oregon. And, Boy! Did time fly!

I live 45 minutes to an hour away from the nearest town in every direction! And, I am the only letterboxer in over 50 miles. So, I felt very lonely for awhile. Having to get accustomed to my new life wasn’t easy. And, letterboxing took a back seat!

So, I spent most of the year dedicated to postals and LTC’s! I also had slacked off on exercise since there is no gym for 50 miles!

 Now, driving is like pouring milk to me! So, I'm feeling ansy again for LB hunts and driving to the gym almost daily. After thinking about it, and spending time in S.F. in December reminded me that the city is about the same when you factor in traffic and distance it also takes a while to drive. The upside in the country is no traffic and you lose that feeling of having to rush everywhere!

 I am enjoying this countrified living! Love the farmland and the ranches. It’s a quilted patchwork of browns, yellows and greens as far as the eye can see! Wildlife is abundant. I am used to seeing one or two deer roaming the neighborhood. Here, you will open your window to find a herd of them having breakfast on your lawn. Have to watch the garden! 

We purchased a 4 bedroom country home on 3.5 acres. Haven't decided how to utilize the land yet. But, goats, gardens, chickens, and cats and dogs come to mind! 

I will be posting pictures of the beautiful country side! Stay tuned for that. 

Here are pictures of how I stayed busy my first few months in EO:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mi Verano Loco or My Crazy Summer

Since my last post I've moved to Eastern Oregon. Needless to say my LB has been put on hold. I have been doing LTCs. Yesterday I went to the Fall Carve Social in Vancouver. It was so nice to get back to civilization. 
I will post pics of my new home: town, actual house, etc. I plan on planting in the local area soon as well.
Last weekend I went hiking in Milton-Freewater at Harris Park, which I believe has a hidden letterbox! On my list to hunt for! 
Where I shared an enjoyable lunch

Stay tuned more to come~

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

To The Dogs

JoJo’s favorite playtime is visiting his friends at the dog park. So I decided to plant a series of well-loved dog characters at this dog-friendly place!

Abby: Australian Sheep Dog


 This dog park is very lively. Many dog breeds visit this place.
 As you can see small dogs and large dogs have seperate play areas for fun and safety.

The Clues! ~Kid Friendly!!!
Go to the "liveliest" park in Springfield, Oregon. Park behind the building next to the portapotties. Follow the sidewalk past the playground and take the path to where the dogs play.

When you cross the gravel road find the "Private Driveway" sign take the large bark path right at the sign.

To Dog #1:
This Big dog has a wonderful owner who would love to take him on letterboxing adventures. I think he'd make a lovely boxing buddy. Let's find him
Follow that path straight until you reach the "S". In the middle of the "S" is a multi-trunked tree practically laying in the path. He is waiting for you between those trunks behind a piece of bark. (haha "Bark!")

To Dog #2:
This dog will have the clues to whatever mystery or adventure needs solving! He'd also make a fine boxing buddy, don't you think? (Though, you'd have to sit in a chair to do that).
Continue on until you come to the "Y". Go left. The path will turn right. On the right side off the trail a bit you will see fallen tree trunks. Beyond that is a tree standing behind a stump. You will find this friendly canine sitting between the tree and the stump.

To Dog #3:
Stay on the main trail as it curves you to the right, pass an open field. Keep going and you'll find yourself heading back to the park, you'll see the fence. On the left you will see an unusual log that resembles elephant tusks. Search the end of the log near the tree to find what this curious Beagle has found.

Don't worry about getting lost. Just follow the trail and it will lead you back to where you started.
While you're there visit the dog park with your canine friend and/or take the kiddos swimming! 


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

April/May Nature Walks

I captured some lovely images of nature during hikes, nature walks while letterboxing over the past month. Oregon has beautiful country!

Stay out of the Lily Pads!

130 Year old Cherry Tree

Monday, May 7, 2012

Notes on Random Thoughts...nothing important

It is looking like Spring is finally here! Sunny days and warmer nights. Rain here and there. Been letterboxing so much that my yard has been neglected. Planning on planting more strawberries-my favorite fruit ever! I love getting in the dirt and watching the fruit of my labor grow! Plus there's nothing like the taste of a fat juicy strawberry!
I finally mailed my first LTC's this week. Pictures to come later.
Now I'm working on a new traditional LB series to plant on the 24th of May. Pictures to come...